Preparing for FET – Key Steps for Your Journey to Parenthood

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is truly an incredible process when you delve into it. It's where the marvels of modern science blend with the dream of parenthood. It involves taking an embryo that has been previously frozen and thawing it to transfer into the uterus, hoping it will implant and lead to a successful pregnancy. This method not only offers a chance for those who've faced fertility challenges but also provides an opportunity for individuals to plan their families according to their life's timelines.

The journey to welcoming new life is deeply personal. Scientific advancements like vitrification have transformed fertility preservation, simplifying egg freezing. Many now look to Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) as a promising fertility treatment. Success rates are encouraging, nurturing real dreams. For instance, the Zita West Clinic boasts a Clinical Pregnancy Rate of 34% per embryo transfer, surpassing the UK average.

Calmly Navigate the Day of Embryo Transfer

We're by your side as you steadily approach the day of your embryo transfer. These guidelines are conceived to form a gentle backdrop to your FET planning, infusing it with comfort and reassured clarity.

  • Understand Medication Requirements: Be thoroughly acquainted with your medication protocol, as directed by your clinic. Administer progesterone and other necessary medications diligently.

  • Plot Your Journey: Contemplate the practicalities of reaching the clinic. Traffic conditions, the whimsical nature of the weather, or plain unforeseen circumstances could potentially interfere with a punctual arrival.

  • Consider an Overnight Stay: If the clinic is a considerable distance away, why not consider a peaceful night's stay at a nearby hotel? It relieves you from the haste and hustle, ushering you into the procedure with a quiet mind.

  • Grasp the Schedule: Ascertain the procedure's timing and facilitation details. Who may accompany you, the duration of the stay, and any other pertinent questions should be addressed in advance, for the day itself will shimmer with heightened emotions and excitement.

  • Explore Supplementary Care: Research conveys that adjunctive measures, such as acupuncture, may lend support during the IVF process. While conclusive evidence is still to be captured, many share testimonies of its beneficial resonance with their success stories.

  • Plan a Cosseted Evening: Post transfer, set the scene for a serene evening. Craft it with love — a warm meal, a captivating book, perhaps films that have been calling to your curiosity, weave an oasis of peace and gentle joy.

Post-Transfer Tranquillity and Care

Listening to your body is important. Here we've outlined some gentle do's and don'ts for your post-transfer peace of mind:

Do Not:

  • Indulge in strenuous exercise; instead, opt for a kindly stroll.

  • Engage in lifting weighty burdens, both literal and metaphorical.

  • Consume caffeine, or partake in overly hot baths — they may unsettle your precious cargo. A comforting shower will do.

  • Entertain negative narratives of IVF experiences. Remember, light overcomes shadows!


  • Lean on the steadfast support of those who cherish you.

  • Invite joy into your space; through music, laughter, anything that sings to your soul.

  • Consider your work-life balance thoughtfully. Is it a welcomed distraction or a source of stress? Centre your well-being as you decide.


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