Supporting IVF treatment with acupuncture

At the heart of our approach here at the Zita West Clinic is our belief in treating you—the whole you. It's not just about the medical procedures. It's about looking after every aspect of your well-being during your IVF journey. That’s why we’re passionate about integrating practices like acupuncture into your personalised care plan.

Acupuncture is a gentle yet powerful tool to promote relaxation and stress relief, both of which play a crucial role in the success of IVF treatments. It’s particularly beneficial in the lead-up to your IVF cycle, as well as immediately before and after embryo transfer. These are moments when your body and mind greatly benefit from calm and relaxation.

But why acupuncture? Well, there’s growing evidence to suggest that a relaxed mind can significantly impact your body in positive ways. Here's how acupuncture fits into our holistic fertility care and why we consider it a key player in supporting your IVF treatment:

  • Promoting Stress Relief: Acupuncture can help manage stress, which is especially beneficial when undergoing fertility treatments.

  • Improving Blood Flow: Good circulation to your reproductive organs is key, and acupuncture has been shown to improve blood flow to these crucial areas.

  • Enhancing Relaxation: During periods of high anxiety, such as the lead-up to IVF or the two-week wait post-transfer, acupuncture can provide deep relaxation and comfort.

The best part? Acupuncture isn’t just for women. It offers benefits for men too, particularly when navigating through treatments like ICSI.

Research into acupuncture’s effectiveness in fertility is ongoing, and while we can’t claim it guarantees success, the positive feedback and personal experiences from countless individuals speak volumes. A 2019 meta-analysis of studies on acupuncture and IVF outcomes showed a positive influence, though it underscored the need for more large-scale research to draw conclusive benefits.

Despite the need for more evidence, the fact remains — many find great value in acupuncture, not just physically but emotionally too. It’s about feeling proactive and cared for during your fertility journey, creating a sense of calm amidst the storm.

Who is acupuncture for?

  • For Men: Beneficial during ICSI treatment to promote overall well-being.

  • For Women: Helpful in regulating menstrual cycles, reducing stress, improving pelvic blood flow, and supporting ovulation in certain cases.

When is acupuncture recommended during IVF?

  • Preparation: In the run-up to your IVF cycle to prepare your body and mind.

  • Transfer Window: Immediately before and after embryo transfer to maintain a calm state.

  • The Two-Week Wait: Offering gentle acupuncture sessions for relaxation while waiting for your pregnancy test.

Each step of the way, we’re here to support you with a tailored plan that considers acupuncture's potential benefits for your unique fertility story. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey, and every aspect of your care is chosen to nurture both your physical and emotional well-being.

For those interested in exploring acupuncture's impact on fertility, check out this in-depth study: Understanding Acupuncture's Role in Fertility. It offers insights into the science and personal stories behind this ancient practice. We're here to support your fertility journey with openness and honesty.


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